Ross & Ross love homemade artisan food - so much so that we've developed a range of food kits to allow seasoned professionals and aspiring gourmets create delicious food at home.
Stuck for the perfect gift? Our home curing kits are the original, interesting present that anyone who loves great food will be chuffed to receive. We've been foodies as long as we can remember, and we decided that our homemade curing kits are the kind of gifts that we would love to receive for birthdays, Christmas or Father's Day. We love hearing from our happy customers and finding out how they've got on using our food kits to create delicious bacon and salmon.
How to use our food kits:
Step 1: Choose your food kit!
We have a range of inspiring food kits available to purchase from the website. Browse the collection and make your choice. Our original and most popular is the award-winning bacon curing kit, which spawned a spicy variant thanks to customer feedback. Our newest kit is the much-anticipated Salmon Curing Kit, which allows you to infuse salmon with traditional and exotic flavours at home. If you know someone who deserves an extra special treat, why not pick up our Complete Curing Kit?

Step 2: Source your fresh meat or fish
Our food kits contain everything you need - except your pork or salmon. You'll need to source this yourself in order to ensure that it is as fresh as possible. Visiting a fishmonger or a butcher is your best bet, as the experts can guide you on the best pieces for curing. You will need 500g of pork belly for each 30g curing mix. We recommend a boneless and rindless piece. You'll also need 500g of salmon for each of our curing mixes.
Step 3: Apply your cure and chill
All of our food curing kits contain all of the equipment you'll need to cure your own bacon or salmon - if you've bought one of our kits before, how about purchasing a refill? What we don't do is clear ample space in your fridge for the curing process. Make space for your meat or fish to hang freely for the allotted time, and remove any strong-smelling foods as they can taint your meat. Check the instructions included in your pack for any additional details. Bacon typically takes seven days to cure, whereas salmon should take three days.

Step 4: Enjoy your artisan cured produce!
It is actually that easy! Purchase one of our food kits and you could be curing your own meat at home with ease.Get your Ross & Ross Food Kit today!