Salmon is an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals. Its content of omega-3 fatty acids makes it a portion of real super food.
If your New Years Resolution is to improve your diet, you'll want to make space on your plate for salmon. Rich in omega 3 and perfect at breakfast lunch or dinner, it's a genuine superfood that doesn't disappoint on the flavour front.
Here are 10 reasons to incorporate salmon into your diet.
1. It's delicious! Most importantly, salmon tastes great. It has a subtle but rich flavour and lends itself to many different cooking styles. It's a big hit with families - affectionately called 'pink fish' in our house - and even converts a few people who don't usually eat fish.
2. It's versatile There are salmon recipes originating from all over the world. It's basted with sweet sauces and grilled to make yakatori in Japan, marinated in yogurt and spices in India, and cured with sugar, salt, peppercorns, juniper and dill to make lox for a traditional New York bagel breakfast. Fancy having a go at curing your own salmon at home? Pick up our Salmon Curing Kit and give it a go!
3. It's filling Fatty fish is rich in heart-healthy oils, meaning that it'll fill you up faster and help you feel full for longer - ideal if you're trying to shift a few pounds.
4. It's packed with vitamins Salmon is one of nature's best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins. Omega 3 benefits many of our bodily processes and functions.

5. It's great for your skin The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon can help you achieve brighter and more radiant skin. They work in collaboration with other antioxidants in salmon to reduce the free radical damage that is responsible for ageing.
6. It supports repair Protein is the building block for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Salmon is rich in protein and can help our body to rebuild and repair itself.
7. You can eat the skin - and it's good for you We're firmly divided on the merits of this in the office, but eating salmon skin can give you an extra vitamin boost. Cooking fillets with the skin on can also keep nutrients and oils inside the salmon itself that might otherwise be lost in the preparation process.
8. It's a sustainable choice We love fish and hope that they'll fill our seas for many years to come. When you're shopping for salmon, try to choose sustainable sources and look for the seal of approval from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).
9. It can boost your brain The omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon are important for your brain to function properly and can help to protect your brain from age-related deterioration.
10. It makes you feel good! Yes, salmon can also help uplift your mood. The omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon help reduce inflammation and provide support to your emotional health.
Ross & Ross Curing Kits
We hope you've enjoyed our roundup of salmon facts. If we've tempted you to have a go at curing salmon at home, you can pick up the Ross and Ross Homemade Salmon Curing Kit. Not a fish fan? Our range of Homemade Curing Kits give you everything you need to try it at home, just add bacon or salmon!