Stuck for wedding gift ideas? It can be difficult to get it right when buying for newlyweds, and sometimes people get it wrong. Spectacularly wrong. We've put together a list of things you should probably avoid if you want to remain friends with the bride and groom.
When friends and family invite you to share in their upcoming nuptials, it's time to start shopping for the perfect gift for the new couple. In recent years, wedding lists have fallen out of favour. Many couples are cohabiting before they tie the knot, so they no longer need the traditional wedding gifts of toasters, towels and picture frames. This means that guests are often left to their own initiative... and the results can go either way. Here are a few wedding gift ideas we wish hadn't made it to the ceremony...

We need a new kettle - but not seven of them!
Picture the scenario: the couple has been particularly evasive about wedding gift ideas. They mention, in passing, that they would quite like a new kettle/food processor/shower curtain. The news spreads like wildfire through the chattering wedding party, who up to this point had no idea what to get. Fast forward to the big day, and the gift table is laden with at least half a dozen of the same gift. Let's just hope that some people included a gift receipt!
It's lovely! Umm, what is it?
The key thing to remember when buying a wedding gift is that it should be something that the couple will enjoy. It doesn't necessarily have to be something that you would like or want to receive. Sometimes wedding guests lose sight of this and choose something that will leave the bride and groom scratching their heads. From art to home fragrance, it's really a matter of personal taste, and if you don't know the bride and groom well enough to choose for them, perhaps consider other wedding gift ideas!

It's the thought that counts - so put some in!
Whatever your budget, showing your love for the couple is the greatest gift of all. Buying them something you know they'll appreciate means far more than a gift that'll be consigned to the back of the cupboard, or even to the nearest charity shop. Ross & Ross offers a unique range of gifts for everyone in the wedding party that are sure to be appreciated without breaking the bank. Ross & Ross offer a range of foodie gifts suitable for the big day.