Tasty Dishes for your New Year's Eve Buffet Table!

There's no doubt that many will be glad to see this year come to an end, so why not end it in style? Follow our brilliant guide for some of the tastiest buffet dishes and create a New Years Eve that everyone will want to remember!


Homemade Cured Salmon 

New Years Eve is the perfect time for treating yourself, your family and friends to something really luxurious, and sometimes luxury can be found in the form of delicious seafood. Smoked salmon is a popular choice for adding a bit of extravagance to your New Years Eve buffet, but why stop there? Why not take it up a notch and cure your own salmon? 

Check out our Homemade Salmon Curing Tube and follow our amazing recipe for Beetroot Cured Salmon on Rye with Horseradish Cream and Pea Shoots.

Homemade Cured Bacon

There are ton of different things you can do with bacon but with our recipe for Smoky Cured Bacon, Brie and Cranberry Canapés, it will add that extra level of elegance and tastefulness (quite literally) to your buffet table.

Amaze your dinner guests by learning how to cure your own bacon with our Homemade Bacon Curing Tube, available in a broad range of different flavours!

Roast Ham

A delectable and succulent ham is the perfect showstopper for your New Years Eve Buffet. Not only is it fairly easy to cook, but it's absolutely delicious when it's served hot and/or cold. Check out our glorious Roast Ham Glaze which will add a deliciously sweet and spicy flavour to your roast ham and will have your dinner guests coming back for more.

Also feel free to check out our fabulous recipe for our Roast Ham for more useful tips and tricks on how to prepare and cook your ham to perfection.

Classic Potato Wedges

What's not to love about crispy, mouth-watering potato wedges? They have the power to really liven up any buffet dish and depending on how you season or present them, they can definitely add that extra level of glamour to the table.

By following our fabulous recipe for Classic Potato Wedges, we guarantee that they will go down an absolute treat on the night! And for ultra-crispy and tasty potato wedges, feel free to check out our award-winning Roast Potato Oil!

Cocktail Pigs in Blankets

Pigs in Blankets are considered to be one of the top favourite dishes in a Christmas Dinner, but why stop at Christmas? They also make perfect little canapés for buffets! Just stick them onto some cocktail sticks and you've got yourself a fancy, festive and scrumptious appetiser that will add a bit of sweetness and spice to your New Years Eve.

Make sure to follow our brilliant Pigs in Blankets Recipe and if you fancy your pigs in blankets a little crispier and smokier, then why not treat yourself and your dinner guests to our popular Pigs in Blankets Dust!

Vegan Squash and Cranberry Wreath

Celebrate in style by adding some veggie and vegan options to your buffet- our incredible Vegan Squash and Cranberry Wreath Recipe is packed with delicious and festive goodness that not only tastes amazing but will make your New Years Eve buffet look fantastic!

This recipe includes our unique and wonderful Brussel Sprout Dust and our award-winning, highly rated, garlic and rosemary infused Roast Potato Oil 


Bloody Mary Cocktail (or mocktail)

Bloody Mary's cocktails and mocktails are perfect for the winter season. Spicy and delectable, they will surely warm you up throughout the evening, and the best thing about them? They go incredibly well with all of your savoury goodies- especially Pigs in Blankets! Why not go one step further this New Years Eve and make Pigs in Blankets Bloody Mary Towers

Chefs Tip: virgin Bloody Mary mocktails are perfect for curing hangovers after long nights of drinking and celebrating! A good thing to keep in mind for New Years Day!


We hope that our selection of recipe ideas and products gives you some serious inspiration for your own New Years Eve buffet! If you do happen to follow our recipes, please share your fabulous creations on social media and tag us in the post!